Correct installation of your refrigerator 

HomeBlogCorrect installation of your refrigerator 
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The purchase of household appliances is the first stage. The user will have to choose the optimal location, as well as connect the refrigeration equipment. If you plan to build the unit into a furniture set, it complicates the task. Now our service center refrigerator repair in Oceanside will explain in detail how to choose a place to install the refrigerator, as well as analyze the key features of connecting the device.


The correct installation of the refrigerator begins with choosing the place


Observance of expert recommendations on the connection of appliances, and the optimally chosen place is guarantee a long and trouble-free operation of the device. Start by studying the manual. The accompanying documentation details the manufacturer’s recommendations for installing the refrigerator.


According to current standards, it is categorical to install the refrigeration equipment:


– In areas of direct sunlight and high humidity, such as under a window. Ultraviolet light adversely affects the casing of the device, and moisture provokes the failure of hardware units;


– in the immediate vicinity of stoves, ovens, heaters, and batteries. The source of heat will be a catalyst for overheating;


– Near a sink. The appliance is plugged into the electrical grid, and splashing water is the root cause of short circuits.


The humidity level in the room in which the refrigerator is installed should not be more than 80%. When choosing a place to install the unit, consider its climate class. The specifications detail the conditions for correct operation. Predominantly the equipment is designed for use in rooms with a temperature of up to +32 degrees Celsius.


The optimal distance between the stove, oven, sink, and refrigerator is more than 50 cm. Owners of Side by Side models need to take into account that hinged doors require additional space. They must not be obstructed by furniture or other objects. Ensure proper ventilation. The refrigerator must be at least 7 cm away from the wall. This rule also applies to built-in appliances in kitchen sets. A short distance from the front is a catalyst for overheating.


Owners of small kitchens have to install refrigerators next to the stove or radiator. To prevent overheating, you need to glue a special foil on the body of the unit, which will act as a reflective screen. If there is not enough space in the kitchen or in the corridor, you can install the device on the balcony. However, this option is only relevant if there is an insulated loggia.


Preparing to install the refrigerator

Consider the connection of the technique. The power source should be in close proximity. Connect the unit to a grounded outlet. If the voltage level is very unstable, then use a stabilizer. This device will protect all the equipment used in the apartment or house. The main condition is to correctly calculate the total power of the appliances.


Of great importance is the flooring. It must be solid and smooth. If the tiles are very slippery, put special pads of rubber under the feet. This will prevent the body from shifting.


If you have never installed a refrigerator yourself before. Oceanside’s refrigerator repair service center is available for your refrigerator installation and repair needs. Our skilled technicians will handle the job with ease.


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(442) 291-2244


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