Drainage system failure What should I do if the code 5E or E2 appears on the display? On models without display, the machine indicates by flashing all washing modes and illumination of the 40°C temperature indicator. The appearance of the error indicates problems with water drainage. The causes of the code may be...
Read moreFrequent errors in washing machines SamsungThe washing machine does not spin
During the operation of washing machines, users are repeatedly faced with various malfunctions in the equipment. Often there are many reasons why the washing machine does not spin or a system failure in the electronic control. Causes of the absence of spinning and their removal The washing machine has a simple design, but...
Read moreThe washing machine does not spinHow to get rid of stink in a washing machine
Quite often in our service center customers complain about the smell of the washing machine. As uncomfortable as it may sound, the stink from the washing machine is quite a common problem and it can be associated with several reasons. Consider several of them and try to give recommendations on how to get rid of...
Read moreHow to get rid of stink in a washing machineWhat should I do if my washing machine is electrocuted?
Many washing machine owners encounter various problems when using the appliance. One of the most common faults is that the washer starts to electrocute. The manifestation of such shocks varies, from discharges from the body and drum of the machine to the transmission of static energy across the bathroom floor, and even the water supply...
Read moreWhat should I do if my washing machine is electrocuted?Bosch draws water and stops
One of the most common faults with a Bosch washing machine, although it is very rare, is that once the washing program has started, water starts to fill the tank, but then the machine stops and the program does not continue. This is a clear sign of a fault in one of the washing machine’s...
Read moreBosch draws water and stopsThe main error codes in washing machines Electrolux
Е31 Pressure sensor failure Causes of the error: The sensor frequency exceeds the permissible limit, wiring breakage. Е32 The control board does not receive a signal about filling the washing machine tank Causes of the error: Broken pressure sensor. No water supply from the water supply system, faulty water level sensor. Е33 Inconsistency of operation...
Read moreThe main error codes in washing machines ElectroluxHow to open the washing machine if it is locked
If the lock or water level sensor is out of order, the error code on the machine’s screen will signal this. If you are confident in your abilities, you will be able to make repairs yourself, otherwise, call a specialist. #1 – drain water from the tank Many machines are programmed so that if there...
Read moreHow to open the washing machine if it is lockedDrain the washing machine
Using the drain hose This is the easiest and extremely fast way to free the washing tank from water. However, it is suitable if the filter of the drain system and the drain hose is not clogged. Most often it is necessary to do so, if the pump is broken, pushing water into the sewer....
Read moreDrain the washing machineProper installation of a Samsung washing machine is the key to its long life
At the moment, finding a quality washing machine is not difficult. A huge selection of brands and models of such equipment allows consumers to choose the most suitable option for themselves. Samsung washing machines have become very popular. This is a world-famous brand today, which produces a large range of washing machines. Washing machines...
Read moreProper installation of a Samsung washing machine is the key to its long life7 reasons why your washing machine MAY be leaking
To understand this, you need to have an idea of all seven reasons why your washing machine is, what they call, “not holding water.” A damaged hose In the case where the water leaks somewhere in the back of the washing machine, you should definitely check the integrity of the hoses – the drain...
Read more7 reasons why your washing machine MAY be leaking